Forever Active Probiotic®

KSh 5,664

Buy Forever Active Probiotic® from a trusted independent FLP distributor and take advantage of the wonderful advantages that come with Forever Living Products., We offer free delivery within the Nairobi Central Business District and also use safe courier services to ship goods to all locations in Kenya.

SKU: 222 Category:

Microbes are live microorganisms that exist in our bodies and play a role in our general health and well being. While some microbes are bad, the majority are beneficial. These “good bacteria” are called “probiotic,” meaning “for life” in Greek. Forever Living Products® recognizes the important role that beneficial microbes play in human health and the need for probiotic supplementation.

Designed to promote a healthy digestive system, Forever Active Probiotic® is a small, easy-to-swallow beadlet that helps overcome imbalances created by our food and lifestyle choices, which can inadvertently lead to a reduction in the amount of naturally occurring probiotics. Forever Active Probiotic® works primarily in the intestines where it assists with the process of food digestion, helping to release nutrients for absorption, and contributes positively to normal human growth and development by helping to maintain a balanced and healthy system.

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